Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I love these colors.

I'm a big fan of neutral colors. Black, white, or gray is usually incorporated into my outfits. But I also prefer rich colors like burgundy, navy blue, and emerald green.

Details: skirt: Thrifted American Eagle; cardigan: Charlotte Russe

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Supporting the Cause(s)

I got this t-shirt for Christmas, but this is the first time I have worn it. I love Dunkin Donuts so much that I am happy to support them over Starbucks...

Details: shirt:; skirt: Maurices;

February is National Eating Disorder Awareness month. To support, many people have been sticking inspirational messages around campus. Today, I did my part.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Well...It is a Monday.

I'm trying to start off Monday morning on a good note, while also attempting to feign my laziness.

Details: skirt: Thrifted Gap; shirt: Bubba Gump gift shop; jacket: Factory Connection

Also, Here are a few pictures I have taken over the week.

Roses from Valentine's Day:

I'm going to watch Funny Girl for the first time this week. It is decorated here with the necklace I wore today.