Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Huntsville, Alabama

My boyfriend and I took our first trip to Huntsville, Alabama over the weekend. The reason was to go to the Star Wars exhibit in the Space Center and Museum. Unfortunately they do not allow flash photography inside of the museum (I am inept and do not know how to turn off flash), but I did snap some photos outside and around Huntsville.

In Huntsville, there is a park where geese, pigeons, and ducks randomly hang around, and fish swim in the pond.

Outside of the Space & Rocket Center. This rocket is just a model.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Clothes Bitterness

I really want a big closet full of lots of clothes that makes the closet look over-flowing like the one below. Unfortunately, and fortunately, I move so much and I'm always living out of a suitcase. It's difficult for me to have so many clothes when I'm pretty much backpacking through life.

photo courtesy of google images

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Inspiration

The following is a list of today's amusements that have inspired me"

  • Random "Good Morning" text from my boyfriend
  • To-Do Lists for organization
  • Scheduling an interview with a job
  • Keeping in touch with my family
  • Finding a new book to read
  • Watching old movies
I am currently watching Singin' in the Rain for the first time today. It makes me smile; I am enjoying it.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Post-Test Amusement

I think I did fairly well on my test. It was fairly simple. I still needed a stress reducer after taking it, as I do after finishing any paper or test. Today's reducer was Duck Soup. I love the Marx brothers. Groucho is my favorite, but Harpo and Chico are hilarious as well. The Groucho "mirror" scene is my favorite.


t-shirt: Rue 21
skirt: Maurices
boots: Payless

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Class, Job, Study

Today has been a busy day. I've spent the late morning/early noon in class, the afternoon job searching, and now I get to spend the evening studying for my first photography test. Job searching is the worst. It is difficult to find employment in a small college town. However, I have tried to find employment everywhere, ranging from a library to fast food to coffee shop. Library sounds most exciting to me, but I'm not sure that will work out, sadly.

jacket: Target
shirt: Factory Connection
skirt: Target via Thrift

Monday, July 12, 2010

Take or Make

In my photography class we discussed the difference between "making" a picture and "taking" a picture. This concept was interesting to me because I do see a difference. I see taking a photograph as catching your target off guard or showing them for who they truly are, while making a photograph seems to be idealizing an image.

Do you see these fashion outfits as made?

Or are regular fashion blog pictures made or taken?

dress: Charlotte Russe
leggings: Goodys
sandals: Forever 21

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Shopping Day

Today after class, I met up with my future college dorm-mate. We decided to spend some time bonding and getting to know each other. Needless to say, once I found out she liked shopping and thrifting, I felt less uncomfortable about rooming with someone I hardly knew. So that is exactly what we did this afternoon. I'm kinda tight on finances right now, but even I cannot resist spending the day shopping. I bought a few dresses and blouses. The majority of my wardrobe consists of dresses or skirts. I only brought one pair of pants to live in a dorm, as a just in case. And as you can see, I need to clear off my bed since it is currently housing my new clothes.

blouse: Maurices
skirt: Gap via Thrift

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Scarves and Florals

I don't know about you all, but I feel that I wear scarves as much in the summer as I do in the winter. A light, airy scarf is as much a summer must-have as florals. As you can see, I did not skimp on florals either. I love floral-print everything. I think it might also look nice to have a floral-print scarf. How do you feel about florals and summer scarves?

t-shirt: J.C. Penny
skirt: Gap
scarf: Wet Seal